
From $89.99/month


Gain immediate access to comprehensive competitive research, SWOT analysis, buyer personas, growth prospects, and other vital insights for any product or business with just a simple click. This allows you to concentrate more on strategic planning and effective execution.

This is an AI analytics tool for investment and product to market fit research for marketing, sales and e-commerce directors.


Features on Osum are categorised across 4 different aras:  

Research Report

Swot Analysis

Buyer Persona

Strategy Room

How does it work?

You start by adding a link of the product or app You are want to get research on.


Osum is versatile and applicable across diverse industries, encompassing a broad spectrum of sectors and markets. It facilitates the recognition of trends and opportunities spanning various fields. With the ability to adapt to the emergence of new companies and products, Osum ensures the delivery of pertinent insights tailored to your specific interests and requirements.


It still might not answer granular questions and in some categories of products or services miss important information. Until You test for Your specific niche there is no way to say if it’s 100% perfect for Your needs.

Our Verdict

10/10. You can launch market research.

Who Can Benefit from Osum?

Osum is a comprehensive platform that caters to the needs of individuals and professionals who strive to stay ahead in an ever-changing market. With its wealth of information and powerful tools, Osum empowers users to make informed investment decisions, identify upcoming trends, and recognize emerging disruptive companies.

Whether you're an investor looking for the next big opportunity, an entrepreneur seeking to gain a competitive edge, a business owner wanting to expand your market knowledge, or a marketer aiming to capitalize on new opportunities, Osum has you covered. Its user-friendly interface and cutting-edge features make it the go-to resource for those who want to navigate the rapidly evolving market with confidence and success.

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