Get Your new sales process and CRM

Sales Process Mapping and CRM matching + implementation in 3-5 weeks for small B2B companies

Documented Sales Process

20% increase in close rate

29% sales growth

Implemented Crm

$75,000 saved on failed adoption

30% reduction in time to revenue

Celebrated Results Daily

Insights to demand vs sales data

34% productivity boost

Are you suffering from chaos and losing sales too?

Don't make these costly mistakes


of B2B Buyers Say Their Latest Purchase Was Either “Difficult” or “Very Complex

Have you ever asked your clients if it was easy to close the deal with You? Complex purchase is a result of unstructured sales process and lack of technology adoption.


of B2B sales reps say that sales technology is critical to closing deals

Are you providing the right technology for your reps?


of lost sales is a result of reps not qualifying potential customers

Your conversion rate might be low because your sales reps are talking to the wrong leads. When and how do you qualify them?


of sales reps struggle with outdated tools and leave companies

How many millions are you losing by hiring and training again? Complexity can be easily fixed, while company reputation is easy to lose forever. You don't want it to happen in such harsh hiring climate.


of all sales training is lost after 90 days due to the lack of documentation

Do you have tools to add, find, and use sales enablement docs in your company?


of CRM adoption projects fail due to lack of planning and strategy

Why would you make such a mistake if You can work with Process Natives?

Shocked? Hi, nice to meet you. We’re Process Natives.

Client centric, vendor agnostic business process accelerator team that wants You to finally have a perfect process.

We have a clear vision about B2B sales processes, their uniqueness based on company culture and CRM choices and adoption.

Easy enjoyable Sales process with tools You love in 5 steps!

Your smoothless Sales Process and CRM setup.

1. Sales Process and Data Value Chain Discovery

Our teams meet for 2-3 times to discuss your sales process, methodology, business model, sales team structure, business goals data transfer and usability.

2. Sales Process Design

In 7 days You receive Data value driven sales process that You discuss with Sales Process Native. You will see a beautiful flow of automates tasks and data flow that will

3. Platforms and Techstack alignment to Fresh process

Now it's time for shopping! We gather a lot of information in previous 2 steps and based on 70 critical elements we help You decide on the best techstack. Depending on the process it could be 2-7 tools and we explain all the functionalities, as well as limitations.

4. CRM Implementation and Process Documentation

Now Your job is done. Our team moves to implementation. That takes usually 1-2 week. This phase also includes process documentation.

5. Adoption Success

Have everyone performing their sales tasks correctly and reliably with easy to access process docs and videos. Show managers, stakeholders, potential investors, or just your employees as a whole how your business is run, and the due care taken to achieve the results you do.

Startup OFFER


/1 sales pipeline
  • Sales Process Discovery
  • Data value chain to discover demand and forecast sales
  • Personalized techstack recommendation
  • CRM full implementation
  • up to 30 automations
  • 10 email templates added
  • 1 integration BONUS
  • Reporting function setup
  • Training for up to 2 team members + 5 videos about functions
Book the Call Now



/up to 3 sales pipelines
  • Sales Process Discovery
  • Data value chain to discover
    demand and forecast sales
  • Personalized techstack recommendation
  • CRM full implementation
  • up to 60 automations
  • 15 email templates added
  • 2 integrations BONUS
  • Reporting function setup
  • Training for up to 5 team members + 5 videos about functions
  • 3 months Early Success Plan
Book the Call Now

Frequently asked questions

What is a sales process?

Sales process is often confused with sales pipeline, sales cycle and sales funnel.
Sales Process is a series of stages an opportunity goes through to become a client while sales rep performs defined tasks.
Sales Pipeline
has distinct stages where different actions must be taken by the sales rep.
Sales Cycle
is a representation of the process by which a prospect becomes a customer and is used to assess sales velocity/timing.
The Sales Funnel is just a visual representation of your potential customers moving through various stages in their decision-making process.

How many pipelines do I need?

You need more than 1 pipeline if you:
- sell 2 or more different services/products that require different stages or tasks to be completed
- You have substantially different clients that will require different processes and tasks
- want to separate pipelines based on geography (you have multiple divisions)
- want to have Partnerships pipeline (which has different process than client)
- want to have Resellers pipeline (which again has different process than client)

What integrations do You work with?

We have a list of 280 tools we have implemented for businesses worldwide. Here is more information. CRM usually benefits from Proposal, email marketing, call function, social selling and sales enablement tools integration.

What is a data value chain in sales process?

It’s all the important information about your leads, clients, and demand. Data value comes from it’s structure. Structure quality determines if data becomes usable information for the decisions during both sales, marketing and operations processes.

Is a copy for email templates provided?

No, we don’t write copy for You. It will be your responsibility to provide email templates in 10 days from project launch date.

How much time do I need for this project?

It depends on the scope of the project that is discussed during the first call. Usually a client will need to schedule 2-3 meetings (we would clarify after call) in the next 3 weeks each 90 minutes. Your availability and focus is critical to this project success.

Do you write content for emails?

No, You need to provide copy for email templates in 10 days after the project launch.

What about my team?

For the successful adoption it’s your responsibility to include team members who will be using and managing the CRM adoption.

Do You offer any refunds?

Once we have signed agreement and paid 50% deposit begun service on your project, we do not issue refunds for any reason.
Once You have paid the remaining 50% and signed project delivery agreement, we do not offer any refunds.
Process Natives is not responsible for third-party software subscriptions payments.

How does payment work?

Once a quote has been accepted, a 50% deposit is required before project begins. The remaining balance should be paid upon completion of the project.