
From $59/month


Are You manually adding information from documents to or Asana?

Is it taking hours per month?

You are most likely getting hundreds or thousands of these per month. Your staff is wasting time to extract the data from:

✅ Bank Statements

✅ Barcodes

✅ Bill of Lading

✅ Business Cards

✅ Resumes and CVs

✅ Pdf Forms

✅ Materials

✅ Payslips

✅ Purchase orders

✅ Utility Bills

✅ Safety documents

...and many more

Stop the madness and save at least 15 hours per week, 60 hours per month.

That’s why You need a Bitskout!

Bitskout is AI powered Docs and Data Extraction Tool.



Direct Integration with 40+ templates to play around. Create plugins for your own documents in a few clicks

Idea: ask your HR and finance/accounting department to play with it and if it works they will love it!


Our Verdict

10/10. You can launch, run, improve and scale Your Financial, HR, Legal and other processes.

Who Can Benefit from Bitskout?

Any business who sees value in saving time on extracting data from documents.

If Your work tools integrate with Zapier or Make You can extract and automate data from documents and focus on more critical tasks.

Will You stop pretending that this has no potential for You?

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