Fade and rotation page transition

created on

December 6, 2023


Tutorial or Hack

Last updated

December 6, 2023

Created by

A page transition that rotates out of view as it fades

Clone it here


Here's a free-to-use page transition using a snippet of custom piece of code to allow for the animation to happen.

This project was created as part of Webflow Copenhagen's MeetUp #4

//Watch the recording of the MeetUp here where we go over how to make page transitions like this https://webflow.zoom.us/rec/share/39RzFLWq7F5LEpHKxFHuA_4kHoPGeaa8hHQd-aAKyUuAQLwFkxzwpEUdvrwxQYZ4

//Created by Lars Hartmann http://www.larshartmann.dk

///MeetUp group https://www.meetup.com/Copenhagen-Webflow-Meetup/

// Design inspiratation https://www.robby.rent/bio/